About Plum Pucci
Care and comfort matter to us as much as it matters to you and your pets. When you’re away, we don’t want you to have the slightest worry – though we’re sure your treasured companions will stay in your thoughts. All pets are treated with the utmost care and love. Schedule your dog a visit today!

Our professional groomers know how to groom almost every breed, and take pride in their work. They are good at listening to you about what kind of groom you are looking for, and making sure your fur baby is taken of exactly to your liking. Not sure what you're looking for? Just ask Kaelin or Victoria for help!

Cut & Style
Nail Manicures
Ear Cleansing
Flea Treatment
Nutrition Consultation
Teeth Brushing
Your pet's safety is a priority, so providing records of shots is a must. Proof of rabies vaccination is mandatory for all clients. Providing them to us prior to time of service is much appreciated. You can fax them to (336) 227-9947 or email them to plumpuccisocial@gmail.com.
If your pet has fleas, we will call to let you know and can provide a capstar at the time of service for an additional fee of $8.
All prices subject to change.